Not unusual for a fencing contractor to get a fencing enquiry, however when this one landed in our inbox we were relishing the challenge to get creative!
‘So we have these lovely views of the Severn and just behind them is Worcester Race Course, we don’t want lose the view but we really need to make the back of the garden secure, oh and by the way the river will come up past the fence line when it floods’ and those that know Worcester, know that we experience flooding regularly when the severn bursts it banks…
Type ‘Glass Fence’ into google and you will get all sorts of glass balustrades for decking and patios but nothing in the traditional fencing sense. Which means we had to think outside the box.
Our requirements were that the new fence needed to be strong (at the very least to protect from those rogue pieces of driftwood), secure, allow river water to pass through and include a gate to match, all whilst blending into the surroundings. Sounds straightforward right?
Utilising 15mm toughened structural glass, a mere 67.5kg a piece. Designed with aluminium posts and slatted composite gravel boards were able to create a contemporary solution to our requirements.
The gate proved to be a bit of head scratcher as we needed to give the impression that it was just another part of the fence. For this we worked with James at Capitan Gate Company who challenged his fabricators to build a bespoke steel frame and matching thicker gauge steel posts. Due to the weight of the gate, our aluminium posts would have too much flex and end up being unsuitable. A little bit of trail and error, test fits and extra fabrication we were really proud of the results.
Cue the record flood of 2022 (See our customers photo) I think we can call this one a success.

The Reuse Revolution
About five years ago, works were underway on a garden build in a lovely Victorian House in the City of Worcestershire, we were preparing the